イタリア - Veneto ベッド&ブレックファスト

イタリア - Veneto ベッド&ブレックファスト

Barbozza Barbozza (Bed and Breakfast)
Baroni Mario Baroni Mario (Bed and Breakfast)
Bassi Vera
Bassi Vera Bassi Vera (Bed and Breakfast)
Bassiano Bassiano (Bed and Breakfast)
Battel Luigia Battel Luigia (Bed and Breakfast)
Battocchio Maria Rosa Battocchio Maria Rosa (Bed and Breakfast)
Baù Imelda Baù Imelda (Bed and Breakfast)
Bavaresco Franca Bavaresco Franca (Bed and Breakfast)
BB Venezia BB Venezia (Bed and Breakfast)
Bella Ciao Bella Ciao (Bed and Breakfast)

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