イタリア - Valle d'Aosta ベッド&ブレックファスト

イタリア - Valle d'Aosta ベッド&ブレックファスト

Al Castel Al Castel (Bed and Breakfast)
Aux Pieds du Chateau
Aux Pieds du Chateau Aux Pieds du Chateau (Bed and Breakfast)
Barberi Barberi (Bed and Breakfast)
Beauregard Beauregard (Bed and Breakfast)
Binel Maria Binel Maria (Bed and Breakfast)
Ca' Dal Lys Ca' Dal Lys (Bed and Breakfast)
Casa Binel Casa Binel (Bed and Breakfast)
Casa Buillet Casa Buillet (Bed and Breakfast)
Casagrande Casagrande (Bed and Breakfast)
Cascina Geranio Cascina Geranio (Bed and Breakfast)

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